Are you ready to dive into your first Delvotesting with your new Delvotest® Go? Whether you're new to the process or just need a refresher, we've got you covered. Here are five essential things you need to know to have a smooth experience.
First things first, to get the most out of your Delvotest® Go, a solid Wi-Fi connection is a must. While your new device can keep going for up to 30 minutes if it loses Wi-Fi connection, you'll want to stay connected to keep everything running smoothly and avoid any hiccups. So, wherever and whenever you’re testing with your new Delvotest® Go, make sure it’s always connected — and if you have a closed Wi-Fi system, make sure your device is given the right permissions to get connected.
Next you'll need to download the Delvotest® Go app. It's available on both Android and iOS, or you can access it directly on the web from any device through any browser. And by the way, your Delvotest® Shop account credentials can be used as the same account for your device, making setup a breeze and fully integrated with your shopping experience. One username-password to rule them all!
If you're one of the first new users of our new Delvotest® Go, you'll get some sheets of round stickers in the box — which will soon be included inside the box with all Delvotest® T or Delvotest® SP NT ampoules you buy. In any case, these aren’t just for decoration—they’re a crucial part of your Delvotest® Go's testing process. Each Delvotest® ampoule needs to be covered by one of these stickers to help keep moisture from entering and damaging your device. Curious about how they work? Check out this Help Centre article.
For spot-on results you'll sometimes need 'reference milk' to run ‘reference tests'. This isn’t just any milk—it's key to replicating the proper 'oldschool' testing method. So just like in the traditional testing approach, reference milk helps your Delvotest® Go figure out the right 'Control Time' and read the sometimes subtle colour difference between a 'Positive' versus a 'Negative' result. 'Reference milk' should be antibiotic-free, either from an untreated animal or full-fat milk from your local store. Want to know more about when and why your Delvotest® Go will ask for a reference test? Check out this Help Centre article.
Before you start testing, make sure your ampoules are still within their expiration date. Remember, it takes two to tango—your Delvotest® Go needs ampoules in good condition to deliver accurate results. So also always make sure to store them well: ideally in the fridge under stable temperatures to maintain their quality. If your ampoules have expired or you’re unsure about how they've been stored, it’s time to get some fresh ones. Need tips on how to figure out your ampoule's expiry date or best practices for storage? Check out this Help Centre article.
Got a question or need some help? No worries! For detailed guides and tips explore our Help Centre or just reach out to our chatbot. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, we’re just a message away!